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  • Pea Gravel (3/8" Rainbow)
  • Pea Gravel (3/8" Rainbow)
Gravel, Rock & Sand

Pea Gravel (3/8″ Rainbow)

Pea gravel makes a great choice for countless landscape projects.  Perhaps you’re looking to create a safe area around a fire pit, or fill in a pathway.  It can complement your overall landscape design when mixed and matched with other sizes of round material (3/4″ & 1.5″) from the same family of local “Rainbow River Rock”.  Pea gravel can also be used in places that need better drainage, as pipe/concrete slab bedding, or just filling any empty space between the toes of your bare feet. 🙂 

Bitterroot Delivery Monday through Saturday

Prices include delivery to all addresses in the Bitterroot Base zone. Additional delivery fees apply to extended zones.
Volume & Price Options
Call: (406) 550-3645

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